Saturday, July 16, 2011

Drag racing to the finish

Last night was a wild ride with lots of squalls, confused seas and winds over 25kts. We're 368 miles out and the wind has steadied around 20-25 kts. This afternoon there are few clouds in the sky but the wind has held. A few round ups last evening kept everyone on their toes, but no damage. We're now single reef and small #4 chute hitting 12's. John set a new speed record of 13.8 last night as he, Jeff and Brian pulled extra driving shifts ... it was no time for us less experienced drivers to show our weaknesses. Everyone is very tired, as the extra wind and big seas has moving, sleeping and cooking very difficult. Just passed a huge telephone pole nearly submerged, hummm. Our goal is to catch PK this evening. 367.2 miles to go.



  1. Hang're almost there.

  2. craig you're the salty dog now, lay that harpoon into the pounding waves and scream into the wild pacific there be "land ho" for ya know it!
